Manuscript Preparation

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscripts must be written in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English. It is strongly recommended that authors seek feedback from colleagues before submission to ensure high quality and adherence to the journal's standards.

Order of Manuscript

The manuscript should be structured in the following order:

Title Page

Include the manuscript title, author names, and their affiliations. Provide the full postal address, email address, and telephone number of the corresponding author, who will handle all correspondence and review proofs.


The abstract must be brief but informative, with a maximum of 300 words. It should summarize the scope, hypothesis, methodology, and key findings. The abstract should allow readers to quickly grasp the purpose of the research, the experiments conducted, and the outcomes. Avoid citations, equations, or mathematical symbols in this section.


Include 5–7 keywords below the abstract to assist with article indexing.


The introduction should succinctly outline the study's objectives and provide sufficient context, including background information, to justify the research and explain the hypotheses tested.

Materials and Methods

Describe the materials, equipment, and procedures used in enough detail to allow replication of the study. Be concise but thorough.


Present results in a logical order using text, tables, and figures. Avoid repetitive presentation of data in multiple formats. Results should not include interpretation or discussion.


Interpret the results, evaluate them against the study’s hypotheses, and place them in the context of existing literature. Discuss limitations, potential errors, and implications for future research. Avoid combining the “Results” and “Discussion” sections unless absolutely necessary. Refer to tables and figures by their designated numbers.


Highlight the main findings and their contributions to the field. Emphasize the scientific, practical, and economic significance of the work.


Acknowledge any financial support, technical assistance, or other contributions that do not meet the criteria for authorship. Any potential conflicts of interest should also be declared.

Funding Information

Provide details of the funding sources supporting the work, including grant numbers and funding agencies, if applicable.

Author Contributions

Include a statement outlining the specific contributions of each author to the study, such as conceptualization, methodology, data analysis, writing, and review.

Conflict of Interest

Disclose any financial, personal, or professional relationships that could influence or appear to influence the research or its interpretation.


Ensure all references are accurate, complete, and formatted in APA style. Only published works or those in press should be cited.


Tables must be self-explanatory and not duplicate information presented in figures. Number tables consecutively and provide a concise legend above each table. Use double-spacing and avoid vertical lines. Footnotes should be minimal and denoted with superscript letters.


Figures should be numbered in sequence and cited in the text. Supply sharp, high-resolution images (minimum 300 dpi). Provide detailed legends that explain symbols, abbreviations, and units. Ensure figures can be understood independently of the text.

Abbreviations and Units

Follow SI units as specified in Units, Symbols, and Abbreviations: A Guide for Medical and Scientific Editors and Authors (Royal Society of Medicine Press). Spell out numbers at the beginning of sentences and avoid starting sentences with abbreviations. Use “Fig.” for figures, except at the start of a sentence.

Acknowledgement to Reviewers

We extend our sincere gratitude to the reviewers for their invaluable efforts and contributions to IJIETAS. Their professional insights and constructive feedback are integral to the journal’s success and the improvement of the manuscripts we publish.

Review Process

All submissions to IJIETAS undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality and integrity of published research. For details about our editorial workflow, visit here