Journal Policies

Copyright Policy

Authors publishing with the International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences IJIETAS retain the copyright of their work under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY). This license permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work, provided proper citation of the original source is given. Click here to find out more about our copyright policy.

Licensing Agreement

Unless stated otherwise, all articles and journal content published by International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences (IJIETAS) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY). This license allows for the use, reproduction, and distribution of articles and related content (unless otherwise noted), for both commercial and non-commercial purposes, as long as proper attribution is provided in accordance with the CC-BY guidelines.

Digital Preservation

Digital preservation is a crucial aspect of the open-access publishing process. International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences (IJIETAS) ensures that all published manuscripts are securely archived and preserved for long-term online access, safeguarding the availability of academic contributions for future research and reference.

Publication Ethics

Originality and Exclusivity

Authors must confirm that no part of the manuscript reporting original work is under consideration for publication elsewhere, either in whole or in part. The corresponding author must affirm that all co-authors have read and approved the manuscript.


Authorship Criteria

An individual qualifies for authorship if they have made substantial contributions to the research, including::

  • Conceptualizing and designing the study.
  • Executing, analyzing, or interpreting data.
  • Drafting, reviewing, or revising the manuscript for intellectual content.
  • Providing final approval of the manuscript for publication.

Corresponding Author

For multi-author articles, one author must be designated as the Corresponding Author. This individual assumes overall responsibility for the manuscript's content, correspondence, and significant research contributions.


All co-authors must:

  • Consent to their authorship as approved by the Corresponding Author.
  • Contribute to the research and take responsibility for their portions of the content.
  • Acknowledge that they have reviewed the manuscript and are accountable for its integrity.
  • Guest, gift, or ghost authorship is strictly prohibited and considered a breach of ethical guidelines. Contributions by editorial assistants, office staff, or others not meeting the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged separately.

Conflict of Interest

Authors must disclose any financial, personal, or other relationships that could influence or be perceived to influence their work. Failure to disclose such conflicts may result in the manuscript's rejection or retraction post-publication.


International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences (IJIETAS) is committed to maintaining the integrity of the academic record by publishing only original and unpublished material. All submitted manuscripts are screened using plagiarism detection tools such as Turnitin.

Plagiarism is considered unacceptable and includes:

  • Overall similarity index: Should be less than 15% (excluding references).
  • Single-source similarity: Should not exceed 5%.

If plagiarism is detected, International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences (IJIETAS) will investigate and take necessary actions, which may include manuscript rejection or sanctions on authors.

Citation Manipulation

Authors must refrain from engaging in citation manipulation, which involves publishing articles primarily to increase their citation count. Such practices violate International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences (IJIETAS)'s Ethical Guidelines.

Redundant Publications

Publishing the same intellectual material more than once (redundant publication) is prohibited. Suspected cases will be handled in line with COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines.

Policies on the Use of Human Subjects in Research

Human Subjects: Authors reporting experiments involving human subjects must confirm adherence to ethical standards, including:

  • Compliance with institutional review board (IRB) guidelines or similar governing ethics committees.
  • Procedures following the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000.

If there are doubts about compliance, authors must provide a detailed rationale in a separate document and evidence of approval by the ethics committee.

All human subjects must provide informed consent, which should be stated explicitly in the manuscript.

Animal Studies: For studies involving animals, authors must confirm adherence to guidelines such as the National Research Council's guide or any applicable national laws for the care and use of laboratory animals.